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Combining Kratom and Lion’s Mane: Does This Pairing Have Synergy?

August 15th, 2024ComparisonsNo Comments »

Are you a Kratom user thinking of combining Lion’s Mane as a potentiator? Well, before you do so, it is only reasonable to find out if they go well together or if it is wise to combine them at all.

This article explores everything you need to know about combining Kratom and Lion’s Mane mushrooms. Does Lion’s Mane act as a potentiator for Kratom? What is the interaction like? What is the best ratio to use to get the best effect? These and more will be covered in this article.

To begin, let’s go through the benefits of Kratom and Lions Mane individually before looking at what their mixing might offer to users.

image of kratom and its benefits

Kratom and its Benefits

Kratom, which is the common name for Mitragyna speciosa, is an herbal leaf from a tree belonging to the coffee family. This plant is native to Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Papua New Guinea.

For centuries, this plant has been used for traditional medicine to improve the general well-being of individuals. Today, Kratom has spread all over the world, and users of this herbal product relish the benefits derived from it.

Kratom comes in different strains and color types, each having its own unique qualities due to a slightly differing alkaloid makeup. Other factors, such as soil conditions, the region of cultivation, and the harvesting technique, are responsible for the various strengths and alkaloid composition. But collectively, Kratom is known to offer the following effects:

  • Boosts energy levels
  • Enhances mood
  • Makes you feel relaxed
  • Can reduce mental tension

image of lion mane's benefits

Lion’s Mane and its Benefits

Lion’s Mane is a large, white mushroom that looks like the mane of a full-grown lion, hence the name. Its other names include hedgehog fungus, bearded tooth, Yamabushitake, monkey head, pom pom, and satyr’s beard.

It is a fungus used both as food and as a holistic medicine. Its use is predominant in Asian countries such as India, China, Japan, and Korea. However, its usage has recently exploded in the United States and other countries around the world, thanks to its potential health benefits and recent research.

Although Lion’s Mane can be consumed as food, many of its users take it as a supplement. It comes in powders, capsules, tinctures, and extracts.

This mushroom is packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, zinc, potassium, and manganese. Below are the several benefits of Lion’s Mane:

  • Improves cognitive function
  • Support digestive health
  • May improve mood
  • Increases BDNF (a brain growth factor)
  • It acts as a neuroprotectant

Combining Kratom and Lion’s Mane: Are They a Fine Pair?

Adding Lion’s Mane to Kratom is a combo that goes well, and many users have confirmed the synergistic effect of both. However, other kratom users have stated that there is no benefit in the pairing and have actually advised against it. It is important to note the conflicting information and also to realize these are purely anecdotal. Until actual research is conducted on the combination of kratom and lion’s mane, advice should be taken with a grain of salt.

Apart from the potential energetic qualities of Kratom, mixing it with Lion’s Mane may add a boost in cognitive function and mental clarity that may pair well with it based on logic.

image of is it a good one to combine kratom and lions mane

Nevertheless, while this combination has no reported complications, we always advise users to act cautiously.

Note: The effect of Kratom on its users can vary greatly. For this reason, mixing it with Lion’s Mane can produce different results for users. Some people may get a good feel for the combination, others may experience negative effects, while others may not notice any significant difference.

Ratio to Use in Combining Lion’s Mane and Kratom

There is no recommended ratio to follow when combining Lion’s Mane and Kratom together. However, we suggest following the recommended dosages for both and to always start low and slow. Always follow the instructions from the manufacturer in order to determine the recommended dose of each. In general, with Kratom, you should not exceed 6 grams of regular powdered leaf or regular encapsulated product.

Using Kratom depends on your experience level and the effects you get from it. For example, if your daily dosage of Kratom is 6 grams, you should mix it with about 1-5 grams of Lion’s Mane. Generally, you should target between 1 and 5 grams of Lion’s Mane daily.

Please keep in mind that the dosage of Lion’s Mane can vary widely depending on whether it is a regular powder or an extracted product. Always follow the dosage guidelines on the package and err on the side of caution by starting with the smallest possible dosage under the recommended dosage, especially if this is your first time trying the combo.

Kratom vs Lion’s Mane: Differences and Similarities

Both Kratom and Lion’s Mane mushrooms share some similarities and differences. Below are the similarities and variances between these two products.


  • Both Kratom and Lion’s Mane mushrooms originate in Asia.
  • They both come in powders, liquids, and capsules.
  • Kratom and Lion’s Mane can help with mental clarity
  • They have been in use for traditional medicine for centuries
  • Both contain antioxidants needed to fight free radicals
  • They both can help to calm mental states and potentially improve more
  • A lot of scientific research is still going on these two products to understand their potential fully.

image of differences between kratom vs lions mane


  • Kratom is obtained from a plant. Although Lion’s Mane mushrooms have a plant-like form, they are not plants. They are fungi.
  • Kratom is psychoactive and has stronger and more noticeable effects than Lion’s Mane, while Lion’s Mane is non-psychoactive.
  • Lion’s Mane is completely legal everywhere in the United States. However, Kratom is not legal in all states and cities in the United States.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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