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Sakae Naa vs. Kratom: Is Sakae Naa a Promising Kratom Alternative?

August 25th, 2024ComparisonsNo Comments »

As humans, it is typical for us to try and find alternatives, and this habit certainly applies to many when trying to discover kratom alternatives.

For Kratom users who haven’t heard about Sakae Naa, this may be an exciting read. Many Kratom users believe Sakae Naa and Kratom share similarities in their effects. In contrast, others say Sakae Naa offers nowhere near what Kratom offers, so which should you believe?

In this Sakae Naa and Kratom comparison article, you will learn about the active ingredients in both botanicals, how they are different, and understand each botanical’s primary effects to discover whether or not Sakae Naa might be a viable substitute for kratom.

image os sakae naa

What is Sakae Naa?

Sakae Naa is the colloquial name of Combretum quadrangular. It is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. Although Sakae Naa is a tree, it is mostly found in wetland areas of these countries.

Like Kratom, Sakae naa leaves are consumed in different forms, such as powders, capsules, or tinctures. The leaves are also chewable.

The two primary active ingredients found in Sakae naa are flavinoids called combretol and combretine. They are believed to be responsible for the psychotropic effects you experience from taking this botanical. The reported effects of these two flavinoids include mental clarity, mood enhancement, and a mild level of stimulation.

Now that we know what Sakae naa is and its primary active ingredients, let’s also look at Kratom and its ingredients before drawing a comprehensive comparison between them and their effects.

image of properties and benefits of kratom

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a common name for Mitragyna speciosa, a tree in the coffee family. Like Sakae Naa, Kratom is native to Southeast Asia and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Whereas Sakae Naa’s effects come from flavinoids, the effects of kratom are due to psychotropic alkaloids. The following alkaloids are responsible for the impact Kratom users get when they consume the product:

  • Mitragynine: This is Kratom’s major alkaloid, and it is known to enhance mood, boost energy levels, and offer users a sense of well-being.
  • 7-Hydroxymitragynine: It is responsible for the calming and relaxing effect you get when you take Kratom.

Other less potent alkaloids present in Kratom include speciociliatine, paynantheine, and speciogynine. They also provide some level of soothing and relaxing effects to users.

Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine primarily affect mood, motivation, feelings of relaxation, and sedation, as well as reducing mental and physical tension.

image of comparinf similarities and differences between sakae naa vs kratom

Sakae Naa Vs. Kratom: Similarities and Differences

Now that we understand where the effects of these two botanicals come from, we should look at their differences and similarities. To make this worthwhile and more transparent, let’s use a table to represent essential factors such as their primary effects, duration of effect, dosage, and legality.

Sakae NaaKratom
EffectsThe main effects are focus and mood enhancement. You might also notice mild stimulation.You may also notice mild stimulation. The main effects are boosts in energy, mood, feelings of well-being, and mental and physical relaxation. Whether you experience energy or relaxation can depend on the strain, vein color, and dosage of kratom.
Duration2-3 hours4-6 hours
DosageThe recommended dosage is about 10g for regular powder or capsules. Experienced users can increase up to 15gThe recommended dosage is 2-6g
LegalitySakae Naa and its main active flavinoids, combretol and combretine, are legal in all 50 US states.Banned in 6 US states and various counties and cities in legal states. It is currently regulated in 13 US states (legal but with restrictions)

Using Sakae Naa as an Alternative to Kratom: Is it Possible?

Looking at the properties of Kratom and Sakae Naa, you can see that there are some similarities between these two botanicals. Therefore, it may be somewhat true that Sakae Naa might be a substitute for Kratom users who don’t have access to kratom.

Nevertheless, before trying to substitute Sakae Naa for Kratom, there are a few things to bear in mind.

  1. Understand that Kratom comes in different strains and vein colors, and each of these variants can have differing effects (ex., some more stimulating, some strains/colors more sedating)
  2. Sakae Naa’s primary benefit is keeping you alert and awake by boosting your energy level. Therefore, it may not be a good substitute for Kratom strains that help with relaxation and sleep.
  3. The effect and stimulation from Sakae Naa are more subtle when compared to what to expect from Kratom.
  4. The best time to take Sakae Naa is in the morning hours. This is so because it can keep you awake due to its effects on boosting energy.
  5. Overall, Sakae Naa is more underwhelming, with less of a spectrum of effects than kratom. Those looking for relaxation and sedation will likely be disappointed.

image of which is better between sakae naa vs kratom

User Experiences From Those Who Have Tried Both Kratom and Sakae Naa

To be more practical, we decided to get first-hand information from people who have tested both Sakae Naa and Kratom. Here’s what some have to say:

I increased the dose of my Sakae Naa and I noticed a slight effect from it. However, everything cleared off in less than 2 hours.

I have tried both Kratom and Sakae Naa, and the comparison between them is a weak one. Sakae Naa has a mild dreamy sedation, but it doesn’t come close to the effect I get from Kratom.

Sakae Naa is good for people looking for energy and mood enhancement. I might consider it in the absence of Kratom, but it doesn’t give what Kratom offers.

I took Sakae Naa and didn’t feel anything after taking it. Maybe I took a fake product, but it was labeled as “Sakae Naa”. I’m guessing it may have different effects on individuals.

Sakae Naa and Kratom: Which One is Better?

Considering the fact that Kratom comes in different strains and vein colors with a variety of various alkaloids, it has a fuller spectrum of effects. Overall, users of kratom seem to agree that Sakae Naa is less potent with less noticeable effects and a more narrow spectrum; however, in a case where you don’t have access to Kratom, Sakae Naa might be worth trying.

If your primary goal for taking Kratom is to boost your energy level and stay focused, Sakae Naa might help with that, but in a more subtle and less pronounced way. However, don’t expect to get the same feelings of kratom from Sakae Naa because that may not happen, and you may be underwhelmed.

Both botanicals are unique in their ways, but the effects of Kratom are more substantial. Just make sure you buy both products from reputable vendors, as this can make all the difference.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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