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Kratom Hangovers: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention Strategies

Just in case you aren’t so sure yet, the Kratom hangover is real, and many users have confirmed experiencing it on a few occasions.

Logically, if Kratom has a hangover effect, then there must be symptoms. Also, if there are symptoms, then there is a timeline for them. These are some of the questions we will answer in this article. We will also see if these hangovers are selective for some users only and what the smartest remedies are to help with their symptoms.

But first things first, let’s understand what a Kratom hangover is.

image of what is kratom hangover

What is Kratom Hangover?

The hangover of any form is experienced when you flood your system (with substances) beyond what your system can tolerate. With this understanding, we can say that a Kratom hangover occurs when you exceed your regular Kratom doses.

Typically, the recommended Kratom doses can range from 2 to 6 grams. There is no one-dose-fits-all measure with Kratom. What works perfectly for me may be too much for another. Therefore, the right way to know your dose is by starting with about 1 gram and gradually increasing it to a level your body can bear. Going beyond your personal tolerance and experiencing negative symptoms after the Kratom effects burn off is what we call a Kratom hangover.

Apart from using too much, other factors such as poor quality Kratom, dehydration, and taking Kratom on an empty stomach can contribute to Kratom hangovers.

image of symptoms of hangover from kratom

The Symptoms of a Hangover from Kratom

Just as people react to Kratom differently, the symptoms from it can also vary for individuals. Nevertheless, if you wake up with any of the symptoms below, you are likely suffering from a Kratom-induced hangover.

  • Headache
  • Exhaustion
  • Lethargy
  • Confusion
  • Dry mouth
  • Changes in body temperature
  • Irritation
  • Vomiting
  • Itching
  • Mood swings

How Long Does A Kratom Hangover Last?

Hangovers from Kratom can last anywhere from 2 hours to 12 hours. On rare occasions, if not adequately dealt with, it can linger throughout the day and make you miserable.

Certain factors can affect the severity and duration of Kratom hangovers. These factors include the strain of Kratom you consume, your hydration level, the quality of Kratom, and taking it with other substances (which is never recommended).

But the good news is, there are steps to take to deal with these hangovers.

image of kratom hangover dealong steps

Steps to Take to Deal with Kratom Hangovers

A hangover is not a good thing anyone would like to experience. Apart from leaving you in an awful state, it is also a sign that you are doing something wrong, hence your body’s reaction. Following the steps below can help cure or reduce hangovers from Kratom.

  1. Drink a lot of water: Since dehydration is one of the major causes of hangovers, hydrating your system prior to, during, and after can provide some relief or even prevent a kratom hangover in some cases.
  2. Reduce your dose: You must be observant to know the correct dose suitable for you and the quantity that can trigger a hangover. Do not exceed your body’s tolerance level, and avoid using extracted products.
  3. Try different strains: If you still experience a hangover even after reducing your dose, it might be that taking a particular strain consistently is causing the hangover. Switching between strains might be the remedy to ease the hangover next time.
  4. Eat well: Taking Kratom on an empty stomach makes your body absorb the active alkaloids more quickly and easily. This causes it to have a quicker onset effect that may result in a hangover the following day. Always eat well, and try taking your kratom with food next time to see if that helps.
  5. Engage in physical activity: Mild activities like stretching or taking a walk can help revive your system and make you feel better (especially with a bit of sweat).

Do All Kratom Users Experience Hangovers from Kratom?

No, not all Kratom users experience hangovers, as many users have reported using Kratom for years without any hangovers.

A Kratom user reported that even though his system is sensitive, Kratom remains one product that never causes him any negative reactions the next day. There are similar cases from Redittors who have never experienced a hangover from Kratom.

This further shows (anecdotally) that Kratom usage might leave people with different experiences.

image of using kratom to cure hangovers from alchohol

Using Kratom for Hangovers from Alcohol: Does it Really Work?

As crazy as it sounds, some Kratom users have attested to using Kratom to help hangovers from alcohol.

However, this may not be the best way to deal with your hangover because the remedy may be temporary. After the Kratom wears off, the symptoms might resurface, maybe even worse than what you felt previously due to the possible dehydration effects of kratom.

Looking at it from another perspective, Kratom might be a bandaid to mask the symptoms of an alcohol hangover. However, the same rules apply: reduce, hydrate, rest, exercise, and take time to let it work out of your system as the only real remedy.

Our Final Take

There are hangovers associated with Kratom for some users, and this is mainly caused by overdoing it (higher dosages, heavy use). Therefore, to reduce the effects of a kratom hangover, you need to start by taking doses your body can tolerate and taking breaks. Also, taking a particular strain of Kratom over a long period of time might result in hangovers in some people. Hence, you may have to switch between strains to overcome this problem.

Since Kratom is a diuretic, drinking enough water prior to, during, and after might help reduce hangovers by balancing your body’s electrolytes. In all that you do, moderation is key. In case of hangovers that prolong over a long period of time, you may need to speak with your doctor and stop using kratom altogether if symptoms persist.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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