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Can Dogs Smell Kratom – Do All K9’s Detect Kratom?

February 1st, 2025LegalityNo Comments »

If you are wondering whether or not dogs can smell kratom, the answer is yes, they can. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, making them able to detect scents 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans can.

Dogs can be trained to alert their handlers if they detect certain substances that they are trained to detect.

Can Dogs Smell Kratom?

Of course, yes, dogs can smell kratom either in your checked or carry-on bag, and they can be trained to be almost 100% accurate. Dogs have around 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses (by comparison humans only around 6 million). So imagine if you can detect the smell of kratom; a dog can easily detect it, and with much more precision than humans can.

image of can dogs smell kratom

Now, it is one thing for dogs to be able to detect kratom, but it is another thing for them to likely be trained on smelling for kratom. The truth is, kratom isn’t a thing of major concern for most countries, and for these reasons, dogs are unlikely to be trained to detect kratom.

Some countries where kratom is illegal and have very strict laws against kratom may train their K9’s to detect kratom, but it’s not very common. This is because other substances and items usually are of a higher concern to authorities and training an existing K9 to smell kratom could take several weeks of training; which is an additional cost.

Legal Status of Kratom and Its Implications

Whether a dog can smell kratom or not should be of secondary concern to you. The major thing you need to know is if kratom is legal or illegal in your area. In the US, kratom is legal in most states, with some restrictions in certain places, such as being 18 or 21 years of age or older to purchase. But kratom is illegal in 6 states, and varies cities and counties across the country.

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Indiana
  • Rhode Island
  • Wisconsin
  • Vermont

So if you are travelling to any of these states or any other place where kratom is illegal, sniffing dogs or not, don’t go with kratom, or risk serious legal consequences. While we advocate for the regulation of kratom rather than banning it, we advise all kratom users to respect local laws, no matter where they are.

As for countries where kratom is unregulated, K9s are very unlikely to be trained to smell for kratom – because what would be the point if its not a banned substance.

So the thing is, understand kratom laws and know where it is legal and illegal. This can save you the stress of worrying about dogs and legal consequences, as you won’t be breaking the law.

Best Practices for Carrying Kratom

Some kratom users can be so fearful of being questioned  by security officials that they hide kratom in a suspicious manner. If kratom is illegal where you plan to visit, then don’t ever attempt to carry kratom with you or risk legal penalties. But if it is legal or unregulated, follow the tips below:

  • Carry kratom in its original, sealed package, as it shows that you have nothing to hide. You may have read about putting your kratom in other vitamin containers to mask its identity. While this has worked for many people, the best way remains to be as honest and as transparent as possible. When someone looks like they are trying to hide something, it often arouses suspicion and raises eyebrows.
  • You can print out documentation to back up your claims that kratom is legal in your area.
  • Do not be overzealous by providing the fact that you have kratom in your bag to the point of letting security officials know about it. You are not doing anything wrong as long as kratom is legal there; so only explain the answers to direct questions that are being asked if an official questions you.

image of how dugs are trained to detect kratom

How Are Dogs Trained to Detect Kratom?

Training dogs to detect kratom follows the same process as training them to detect other smells. Just to reiterate, dogs have a very sharp sense of smell, so smelling kratom is not a problem for them. They only need to be trained to smell it and to alert their handlers whenever they recognize the scent.

The training usually starts by infusing the scent of kratom into toys and making the dog recognize it. The dog gets a reward for detecting the scent, and over time, they master the art by reacting to the smell. They are trained to give alerts such as sitting down or pawing, whichever one they are trained to give. Training dogs to smell for kratom can take an average of 4 weeks to 3 months, after which the dog is posted to security points where its services are rendered.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can dogs smell kratom?

Yes, dogs do have the potential to smell kratom and to alert their handlers if trained for it. Dogs have over 300 million olfactory receptors that make it easy for them to smell over 10,000 times better than humans can.

  • Are dogs usually deployed to smell kratom?

Dogs may certainly be deployed to smell kratom in places where kratom is illegal. There is no need to deploy dogs for smelling kratom if it is legal in the area.image of frequently asked questions about can dogs smell kratom

  •  What happens when a dog detects kratom?

The dog would alert its handler whenever it detects kratom in a bag or on a person. The alert depends on what the dog is trained to do; it could be sitting, pawing, or digging.

  • Can dogs smell kratom if the kratom is well wrapped?

Yes, dogs can still smell kratom even if it is well wrapped. While much wrapping may reduce the scent’s strength, trained sniffing dogs will still likely be able to detect it through the packaging.

Conclusion: Can Dogs Detect Kratom?

Dogs have one of the best olfactory systems of all mammals, which makes them able to detect a wide range of smells, including kratom, provided they are trained to do so. Dogs trained to smell kratom are only utilized in places where kratom is illegal, and even at that, it appears to be a lower priority to the detection of other items and substances.

Always follow the local laws in your area. If kratom is legal in your area, then you have no need to worry about dogs detecting kratom.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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