Gold kratom varieties are becoming more popular due to their balanced effects, which offer a potential full-spectrum experience due to the blending and fermentation processes involved. One gold strain gaining some attention recently is Gold Sumatra. This strain guide covers everything you need about Gold Sumatra, including its origin, cultivation process, effects, and general dosage guidelines.
Sumatra kratom varieties get their name from where they were first discovered: Sumatra Island in Indonesia. The strain comes in three leaf/vein color varieties: Red, Green, and White. Yellow and Gold Sumatra are not traditional vein colors but blend different color varieties.
The added fermentation process sets Gold Sumatra apart from the Yellow Sumatra variety. Yellow Sumatra gets its name from the light yellowish tint from the blending of Red Sumatra with Green or White, or all three (there is no set formula in the ratios or if just 2 or 3 of the Sumatra Vein colors are mixed).
Gold Sumatra is generally slightly darker than the lighter Yellow Sumatra, resulting from the added fermentation process of the mixed leaves. Fermentation is a common method used for some kratom drying processes, which is believed to alter the alkaloid profile slightly.
The main theory behind the blending process of Gold and Yellow Sumatra is to blend the slightly differing alkaloid profiles of the two or three color varieties used. By doing this, a consumer might get a more balanced strain that doesn’t lean too far regarding stimulation and sedation, often seen with Sumatra’s White and Red varieties.
Gold Sumatra’s alkaloid composition consists of the two primary alkaloids within all kratom strains, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These primary alkaloids contribute to the strain’s potential energetic and calming properties. An additional 30 or more alkaloids may comprise Gold Sumatra, including mitraciliatine, paynantheine, speciociliatine, and speciogynine, in differing quantities that may influence the strain’s total full-spectrum effects profile.
Despite being relatively new in the Western U.S. market, Gold Sumatra Kratom has already earned a large following because of the potential full-spectrum of balanced effects it may provide. While not as popular as some of the more well-known gold strains, like Gold Bali, it is certainly gaining some interest along with golden kratom varieties.
Regardless of the dose, one thing you should undoubtedly expect with Gold Sumatra is its potential to uplift mood and temporarily improve feelings of well-being. Subsequently, a subtle energy lift, leading to increased motivation and productivity, may be seen in some individuals. At the same time, Gold Sumatra may offer physical and mental relaxation without leaning too far over to sedation which can be seen more frequently with Red Sumatra.
The golden variety of Sumatra is considered a balanced blend in many ways. Some Gold Sumatra users also appreciate its ability to help with relaxation in the evenings and at night and possibly reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. However, keep in mind that this is purely anecdotal. It may be an excellent strain choice when you want to kick your feet back and relax after a long, tiring day.
Because Gold Sumatra is a rare strain, there might be instances when it becomes sold out or unavailable. When this happens, it’s okay to look for comparable strains that share almost similar effects. Look for Gold Bali, Green Malay, Maeng Da, White Borneo, and Yellow Vietnam strains. They may come from various kratom family subtypes, but their qualities are not too far from that of Gold Sumatra.
Gold Sumatra may be a rarer strain on the market, but its components are still from the Mitragyna Speciosa tree, which has both common and rare adverse risks to be aware of. Being educated and aware of potential risks is essential for every kratom consumer, no matter the strain to be aware of. Following general guidelines and practices may help reduce some risks but may not completely eliminate them.
Below are some of the most common adverse effects seen with Gold Sumatra usage:
Although these common side effects of this strain might appear at any dosage, reducing it and keeping it low may help reduce some. Also, in some groups, severe and rare side effects could be experienced, although generally, these are more common in those mixing kratom with other substances like medications and drugs. Those with certain health conditions may also be at a greater risk of severe side effects. With all these considerations in mind, one should be cautious, educate oneself, read the FDA warnings about kratom, and consult with one’s doctor regarding one’s proposed kratom use.
One last safety consideration is the possibility of tolerance, dependence, and habit-formation to kratom products. The alkaloids in all kratom products may lead to habit formation and adverse effects upon stopping. Some people may find that the adverse effects of stopping may lead to difficulty in stopping kratom use, leading to habit formation. Keeping the dosage as low as possible, taking breaks from kratom products every week, and avoiding daily and heavy kratom usage may help to reduce the risk of tolerance build-up and negative effects upon stopping. Discussing these risk factors with your doctor and properly educating yourself is essential before starting any kratom regimen.
With kratom, there is no universal or set dosage since the studies on kratom are relatively non-existent. Most dosage evidence is laid out on forums such as Reddit and based on anecdotal user experience. Since kratom has not been studied well in traditional studies, no official dosage standards exist, and the Food and Drug Administration has not approved kratom products.
With this in mind, here are some rough and dirty rules. However, always review these with your doctor before trying. In general, new users should stick with less than 1 gram of regular Gold Sumatra powder. This amount is enough to gauge how their body reacts to the strain. Once you see how you react, and give it a lot of time in between, you can slowly up the dose while keeping below the high dosage range.
Mild effects of Gold Sumatra are usually experienced in small doses of about 2-3 grams. This range is generally considered a starting point for beginner users. A dosage of 3-5 grams is considered a moderate amount, and while it may increase the appearance of adverse effects, staying under 5 grams will help keep these risks a bit lower (but discuss this with your doctor).
Going above 5 grams of Gold Sumatra is not recommended as the chances of adverse effects and tolerance build-up greatly increase. Many users also find they hit a ceiling effect, where the potential benefits don’t increase much, but the adverse side effects grow. All in all, reviewing the dosage with an expert or medical professional is the best way to determine your kratom dosage and evaluate your personal risk factors.
CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the site.