One of the most accessible and time-saving ways to make kratom tea is to use a coffee maker or French press. You can go all out with add-ons like aromatics and flavors, or you can have it on the go using a kratom tea-brewing technique that won’t take you more than five minutes.
Kratom crushed leaf is perfect for those who relish creating a great cup of tea, rich in its earthy undertones. It can come in loose leaves or ready kratom tea bags that you can steep in your mug of hot water.
If you have loose leaves, using a coffee maker or a French press eliminates the hassle of straining before consuming it.
This method is excellent for those who are used to the convenience of a drip coffee maker. You must put the crushed leaves and water into the designated containers and push a button. You can attend to other things while waiting for that cup of kratom tea to be ready.
Since it hasn’t been allowed to steep longer, you can use the leaves for a second brew.
Your kratom tea’s strength depends on how long it has steeped. That’s the main difference between brewing kratom crushed leaves with a coffee maker and a French press. The latter allows the kratom to steep longer before pushing the plunger. This maximizes its relaxation and energy-boosting effects.
Kratom powder’s strength is its versatility. You can take it straight, wash it down with water, use it for baking, or concoct refreshments.
Preparing kratom tea from powder is just as easy as using crushed leaves, but with one or two added steps.
Using a coffee maker to brew fine kratom powder may not be as straightforward as using crushed leaves. You will need to add a step of using coffee filter paper to make sure it strains more effectively.
Just like using a coffee maker to brew from kratom powder, there is an additional step to strain all the powder properly for a better tea experience.
The suggested amounts of the ingredients are set to a minimum. If this is your first time brewing kratom tea, we recommend this as a starting point. You can, of course, adjust according to taste.
What’s impressive about brewing kratom tea is that you can do many things to elevate it. Let’s go through some of them below:
Brewing in batches is a good idea if you want to save time. Refrigerated kratom tea’s shelf life is five days. You can brew on Monday, and the rest of your work week is covered. Leaving it in the refrigerator to cool will add a refreshing taste, making it perfect for everyday, on-the-go use.
Scalding hot water will affect the taste of your kratom tea, making it a lot bitter. It can also have adverse effects on the alkaloids, which are responsible for kratom’s soothing effects, energy-boosting properties, and ability to improve motivation and focus.
Thought of concocting your kratom tea? Add ginger, mint, or basil to make it slightly fresher. Want to make it more unique? Consider other ingredients like coconut oil or camellia leaves.
Yes. Put water in a cup and heat it in the microwave until boiling. Let it cool before adding the kratom powder (amount: your usual dosage). Put it in the microwave again and heat it for two more minutes. Strain the tea using a fine strainer or cheesecloth. Add sweetener and milk if desired.
There are two ways to use lemon in kratom tea. One is to squeeze the juice of the lemon into the water and then add kratom powder. The other is to let the kratom powder or crushed kratom leaf steep in lemon juice for a few minutes before adding the water.
It is possible but not advisable. Kratom in extract form is more potent than kratom powder or crushed leaf. You must carefully mind the dosage when preparing tea from kratom extract.
If you have kratom capsules and want to brew kratom tea with them, remove the powder from the capsules and brew it using the instructions above.
Since you’re dealing with fine powder, it’s best to use cheesecloth or anything similar.
CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the site.