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Kratom and Allergies: Potential Causes & Symptoms

Many people wonder about kratom and allergies and whether or not a specific kratom strain or product may lead to kratom allergies. Allergies are an immune system response to a certain protein or other substance that the body is sensitive to, leading to a release of histamine and resulting bodily reactions to this process. Allergies frequently affect the skin, respiratory system, and GI tract and can range from mild to severe.

While the scientific data surrounding kratom and allergies is lacking, we can break down the various compounds and deduce what might contribute to a potential allergy from kratom in theory. Kratom itself contains dozens of alkaloids, various microbial compounds, and secondary metabolites such as saponins, terpenes, and polyphenolic substances that may, on their own, cause an allergic response in rare circumstances. So, let’s explore everything there is to know about allergies, how they work, how kratom might lead to an allergic response, and what some of the symptoms may be.

image of understanding allergies and how they work

Understanding Allergies & How They Work

Allergies are abnormal or hyperactive reactions to a specific protein or allergen that an individual experiences when introduced to it. These proteins or allergens are generally harmless and not toxic, and they could be anything you eat, touch, or inhale. However, when an allergy develops, the body’s immune system fights it off and sets off a response, causing certain symptoms and manifestations.

So, how do allergies develop? The first time your body is exposed to an allergen you’re allergic to, your immune system (your body’s defense mechanism) produces antibodies that form immunoglobulin E or IgE. They bind to allergy or mast cells in your skin, airways, and other hollow body organs associated with your gastrointestinal tract. On the other hand, the antibodies will look for the allergens and attempt to get rid of them by presenting them to the allergy cell, where they also bind to a special receptor.
The mast cell binding to the allergen releases histamine, a chemical substance that causes allergy symptoms and manifestations. These symptoms may include inflaming the skin, producing rashes, or irritating the airways and digestive system.

The severity of the symptoms usually varies across individuals, depending on a person’s immune system response. They can range from a mild itch or rash to more severe instances such as having difficulty breathing or anaphylaxis, a life-and-death situation that warrants a visit to the hospital.

What Are Some Potential Allergens in Kratom?

If you’re wondering whether getting allergic to kratom is possible, we’re here to tell you that it is possible, although relatively rare. Kratom consists of alkaloids as its predominant chemical composition, along with small amounts of terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Although rare, these substances are also potential allergens to individuals with an allergic predisposition to them.

Let’s review the components of kratom in order to understand and outline which ones may lead to an allergic response. These substances may vary in their concentration depending on the specific kratom strain or product.

1. Alkaloids

Alkaloids are the predominant active compounds in kratom. Kratom strains could contain over 45 different alkaloids, but the primary ones are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, composing over half the total alkaloids. While we could find no data on a specific allergy to any kratom alkaloid, there is documented evidence of people being allergic to alkaloids from the nightshade family, which includes vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant. So, on that token, it is entirely possible with kratom as well.

2. Saponins

Various saponins have been identified in kratom as secondary metabolites, meaning they get created in the body from a breakdown of another substance. Although specific saponin secondary metabolites from kratom have not been studied, the saponin in quinoa, a common food grain, has been suggested to lead to potential allergies.

Saponins are known to interact with cell membranes, and it has been suggested that this could lead to irritation and mild allergic reactions such as skin rashes, GI irritation, and respiratory irritation in some people sensitive to the potential allergen.

image of what are some potential allergens in kratom

3. Terpenes

Terpenes have also been identified as secondary metabolites in kratom. From this terpene group, monoterpenoids, iridoids, and triterpenoids have been identified as potential secondary metabolites within kratom.

Secondary metabolite terpenes found in kratom and allergic reactions have not been studied; however, terpene reactions, although relatively rare, have been suggested with alpha-bisabolol, which is a terpene found in chamomile.

4. Microbes

Microbes such as specific mold or bacteria strains could lead to an allergic response, especially in those with certain respiratory conditions. Since kratom is an organic substance, it may contain minute amounts of various mold and bacterial strains. Look for vendors that lab-test for microbial substances. Many of these labs will test for the presence of mold or certain bacteria measured in Colony Forming Units (CFUs) that measure the amount of mold.

Most microbe-induced allergies will manifest as respiratory symptoms like sneezing, a runny nose, coughing, wheezing, or itchy, watery eyes.

Common Kratom Allergy Symptoms

Allergic reactions to kratom may vary in their manifestations and symptoms, depending on how mild or severely allergic to the specific allergen causing the response.

Skin Allergies

Skin allergies to kratom may vary from sudden flushing, itching, developing hives, and rashes. Sudden skin redness may be attributed to overstimulation of the antibodies present beneath your skin, usually on the face, arms, chest, or neck. Rashy patches are also standard and can eventually lead to mild or severe itching.

There is not much evidence other than anecdotal reports of skin rashes mentioned on forums like Reddit. So, without scientific data or study, it is hard to say other than skin rashes and allergies are entirely plausible as a result of kratom use. One thing to try is to stop the use of kratom and see if the skin issues are resolved. If the symptoms resolve after stopping the kratom, it may be safe to assume that one of the components or secondary metabolites in kratom may be leading to the allergy.

image of respiratory allergies

Respiratory Allergies

Nasal congestion and sneezing are common mild allergic reactions, meaning they might also occur with kratom allergies. More severe respiratory symptoms can include wheezing and difficulty breathing. Severe allergic reactions like difficulty breathing can also be a sign of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening effect of allergies that requires immediate medical attention.

Although we could not find any well-documented evidence or study of respiratory allergies and kratom, like the above, it is still entirely plausible due to kratom’s many alkaloids and secondary metabolites.

Another possibility, especially in those with certain respiratory conditions, may be at a higher risk of respiratory allergies with kratom. Since kratom is an organic substance, there may also be mold and bacteria present that could plausibly lead to allergic symptoms in some individuals. Most reputable vendors test for microbial substances such as mold and bacteria levels.

Gastrointestinal Allergies

Kratom is known to cause GI and stomach discomfort as a side effect. However’ allergies can also cause GI issues such as abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, gas, cramping, and more. As with the above allergy symptoms, there is not much study regarding the interaction of kratom or its components with inducing GI allergies. It is also difficult to determine whether the GI issue is situational or directly the result of an allergic antibody response.

However, in either case, if you suspect kratom is the culprit, try removing it to use the process of elimination and see if something in the kratom is potentially leading to the GI symptom, which may or may not be the result of an allergy or direct situational side effect.
<h2″>Documented Cases and Severity of Kratom Allergies

Despite kratom’s growing popularity worldwide, there is still an absence of widely reported allergic reactions available in published online accessible data. Just because this data is not accessible to a person online, though, does not mean it doesn’t exist. Records might just not be available to the public, for example. However, since kratom has widespread use in the United States, there should be at least one published study going through documented medical history in regard to kratom and allergic responses. With that said, just because that study doesn’t exist, it doesn’t mean that kratom doesn’t cause allergies in some individuals.

Potential for Anaphylaxis

Despite the lack of documented cases, anaphylaxis may still be possible with kratom, even without limited published data. Anaphylaxis occurs when the allergic reaction is too severe, causing obstructed airways, difficulty breathing, and a drop in blood pressure. It is considered a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention.

image of testing for kratom allergies

Testing for Kratom Allergies

Unfortunately, since kratom contains so many different components, no specific kratom-allergy-specific test exists. The only real way to test for kratom allergies at this time is to use the process of elimination. If you find the symptoms you suspect to be an allergy symptom resolves after stopping the kratom, then it might be presumed to be the culprit; however, it will be hard or impossible to determine which specific component in the kratom is causing the issue.

Risks of Kratom Products with Undeclared Allergens

One of the other risks is adulterants and undeclared ingredients that may be present in the kratom without any knowledge. That is why it is important to purchase only lab-tested kratom from reputable vendors that don’t add anything extra to the kratom without declaring it.

One such case is Kula Brands LLC, wherein the brand did not declare the presence of coconut and milk in one of its released kratom products, the Pina Colada + Kratom Seltzer. The product is sold in 12-oz cans, and the brand insisted that the common allergens were undeclared because of problems in the manufacturing and packaging.

Many people are allergic to coconut and milk, and not declaring the presence of these ingredients could be life-threatening for them. Fortunately, there were no reports of illnesses or adverse reactions associated with the product. Today, the product has already been recalled and discontinued.


Allergies can range from mild to severe reactions and must be treated seriously to avoid leading to life-threatening situations or, worse, anaphylaxis. Despite not being widely studied, users have reported anecdotally online things such as skin rash symptoms. Due to kratom having a large range of components, including over 45 alkaloids, saponins, terpenes, and potential microbial compounds such as mold and bacteria, it carries a range of potential risks for triggering allergic reactions in people. While the occurrence of allergic reactions is rare, these risks should not be ruled out as potential consequences of kratom use.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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