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The Legality of Kratom in Japan: Harsh Penalties & Consequences

August 27th, 2024LegalityNo Comments »

The legality of Kratom varies from country to country. For Kratom users, it is only reasonable to find out about a country’s law on Kratom to avoid getting into trouble. For users planning to use this herbal product in Japan, this article covers everything you need to know.

Is Kratom legal in Japan? Can I buy Kratom in the street shops in Japan? What is the Japanese government saying about the use of Kratom? These and more will be answered in this article.

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Is Kratom Legal in Japan?

Unfortunately, Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) is not considered a legal substance in Japan. In 2007, the Japanese government under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act created a new drug category. This drug category is known as “Designated Substances.” This category is meant to regulate new psychoactive substances (NPS) due to their abuse by the citizens.

So far, there are about 2400 substances that fall under this category, including Kratom. Kratom was added to the list in March 2016, making it a controlled substance in the country. Therefore, the manufacture, import, display, sale, use, or possession of Kratom is generally illegal except for scientific purposes.

Possession, use, or import of Kratom or any of the designated substances attracts severe punishment from the Japanese government.

Why is Kratom Illegal in Japan?

Although Kratom belongs to the same family as coffee, it offers stronger effects to its users. For this reason, some users abuse it, which sometimes leads to severe health complications.

New psychoactive substances (NPS) have been a social problem in Japan since the mid-2000s. After the law of regulatory changes was passed, there was a sharp decrease in the number of patients affected by NPS. However, it appeared that most people who abused NPS such as Kratom in the past have now switched to abusing other drugs.image of why is kratom illegal in japan

Currently, there are six laws governing drug control in Japan. Mitragyna speciosa falls under the Narcotics and Psychotropics Act (enacted in 1953). Under this act, the possession or use of NPS attracts punishments up to seven years in prison.

Note: This penalty covers both the use and possession of these substances, with no distinction.

Can I Still Find Kratom in the Streets of Japan?

Japan is a country known for its strict laws on the use of recreational drugs. However, just like every other country, it is quite difficult to completely eradicate these drugs from society. A small percentage of the population still indulges in the use of controlled substances, putting them at risk for criminal consequences.

However, even though Kratom is strictly prohibited in Japan, you may be considered to bring it into the country if it is prescribed by a medical practitioner. Even at that, you must get permission from the relevant agency before entering Japan.

You have to apply for permission to bring prescribed Kratom, and you must receive a go-ahead before leaving for Japan. The application is usually directed to the Japanese government, through the directors of the Regional Bureaus of Health and Welfare.

You must carry a copy of the prescription or any other related documents that certify they are for your treatment. Apart from this, you cannot bring Kratom or any other psychotropic substances into Japan.

Therefore, you cannot find a store in Japan to buy Kratom or even order it online. It is not right to smuggle it into the country because there are severe penalties connected with being in possession of or using it.

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Are Tourists Allowed to Use Kratom in Japan?

The Japanese law for “designated substances,” under which Kratom falls, is applicable for both residents and tourists. The law clearly states that the import of controlled substances is restricted.

If you are flying into Japan as a tourist and your doctor prescribed Kratom to you, you must apply and get the permission before leaving for Japan. Failure to do this may get you arrested at the point of entry into the country.

Therefore, if you are a Kratom user who wants to travel to Japan, you must do everything possible to not travel with Kratom.

Conclusion: What’s the Future of Kratom in Japan?

The bitter truth is that the Japanese government is not planning to adjust its laws on the use of psychotropic substances. They believe these substances are abused by most people, which poses health challenges to its citizens, especially among younger adults.

Kratom is not sold in Japan, and you are not allowed to come into the country with it. We always advise Kratom users to abide by the law of any country they intend to visit. If you must take Kratom every day, then you should not go to Japan. Respect the Japanese laws by adhering to the laid down rules.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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