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Amercian Kratom Association GMP Audited

Red Borneo vs. Red Sunda Kratom: Unveiling the Differences for Optimal Effects

In this guide, we’ll be comparing Red Borneo and Red Sunda. Borneo, being the more well-known, and Sunda, being more and less known; how do these two stack up in terms of potential effects and overall qualities?

This comparison will provide an in-depth exploration of both varieties to help you fully understand the pros and cons of each strain. As red veins, both share some similarities, but let’s jump right in to discover what sets these two different from one another.

All About the Red Borneo Variety

Red Borneo gets its name from the large Borneo Island within Indonesia, where the Borneo strain was first thought to be discovered. In today’s economy, Borneo varieties are cultivated widely across Indonesia and rank up there in terms of popularity with the Maeng Da and Bali varieties. Borneo varieties have a reputation for being both dependable and predictable at the same time.

Borneo kratom of the red variety (Red Borneo) gets the red attribute from the veins and stems of the Borneo leaves, which are harvested later than White and Green Borneo types. The difference between the vein color varieties of Borneo is believed to come with potentially differing effects and qualities – with White being the most potentially stimulating and Red being more calming and relaxing.

image of all about the red borneo variety

Red Borneo contains over three dozen alkaloids, with some being more studied and having larger potential roles, namely, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Other alkaloids such as speciogynine, paynantheine, and ajmalicine may also play a role in the nuanced effects; however, less is known about these “secondary” ones compared to the primary ones.

Reviewers of Red Borneo often describe it as deeply relaxing, making it popular for managing stress, discomfort or sleep issues. Users report feeling calm and content without marked drowsiness.

All About the Red Sunda Variety

Red Sunda originates from the Sunda Islands in Indonesia, thriving in lush tropics. Named for its place of origin, Red Sunda is much lesser-known than Red Borneo and not widely available online or locally. It is considered a rare strain that may be hard to come by depending on where you shop and their selection and variety.

The Sunda strain also comes in three vein colors with the red-veined variety, being harvested the latest. The later harvesting time might influence the levels of over 25 potential alkaloids through various processes such as oxidation.

Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are the main alkaloids in Red Sunda, with many secondary alkaloids like tetrahydroalstonine, paynantheine and ajmalicine to name a few.

Many describe Red Sunda’s effects as subtly calming and relaxing, which might make it unwinding without marked sedation. Users often report feeling relaxed, content and clear-headed and fans also value its balanced properties for natural wellness support.

image of comparing the benefits of red borneo and red sunda

Comparing the Benefits of Red Borneo and Sunda

Red Borneo

  • It may encourage relaxation and tranquility
  • It might support feelings of well-being
  • It may gently uplift the mood
  • It may reduce the time to fall asleep by calming the mind
  • It might produce sedation in the higher dosage amounts

Red Sunda

  • It may encourage relaxation and calm
  • It may produce a calm and subtle energy
  • It may lift mood and positivity
  • Possible calming of a restless mind
  • It may enhance contentment and ease
  • It may be suitable for day and evening uses

image of potential side effects

Potential Side Effects

Common reactions possibly associated with Red Borneo and Sunda:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Vertigo
  • Stomach ache / GI discomfort
  • Constipation
  • Sweating
  • Irritability / mood changes
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • “Eye wobbles”
  • Vomiting
  • Tolerance / Habit-formation

In addition to the above common side effects, there could be a small chance of serious side effects in some. Although the exact risk factors for serious side effects are not well-known, what is well-known is that combining either strain with certain medications or drugs may lead to a much greater chance or serious side effects from the interactions.

Also, those with existing conditions, such as heart conditions, may be at a greater risk of serious side effects.The FDA warns not to use kratom due to these risks, so it is essential to educate yourself on these and consult with a doctor prior to use.

Other things to keep in mind are, to know that the daily use and/or heavy dosages of with strain may lead to a tolerance to the effects, habit formation and possible unpleasant side effects upon stopping its use. Consulting with a doctor prior to and during the use of kratom is important as well as not using high dosages to potentially reduce the risk of side effects (although this may still not avoid all).

image of dosage table

Dosage Table

Red Borneo

Beginner DoseModerate DoseNot Recommended
1 to 2 grams - Users may experience a subtle increase in energy and alertness, potentially leading to improved focus and concentration.3 to 5 grams - At this dosage, individuals might notice a slight improvement in mood and a gentle sense of relaxation6+ grams - Taking doses exceeding 4 grams may increase the likelihood of experiencing adverse effects such as nausea, dizziness, or headaches, without significantly enhancing the desired effects.

Red Sunda

Beginner DoseModerate DoseNot Recommended
1 to 3 grams - Users may feel a mild boost in energy and focus, potentially leading to increased productivity and mental clarity.4 to 5 grams - At this dosage range, individuals might experience a subtle uplift in mood and a slight sense of overall well-being6+ grams - Taking doses exceeding 6 grams may elevate the risk of experiencing undesirable side effects like nausea, drowsiness, or stomach discomfort, without necessarily intensifying the desired effects.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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