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Red Cambodian Kratom: Benefits, Effects & Dosage Tips

Red vein kratom varieties have always been famous for the calming and soothing vibes they offer. People often prefer red varieties for the purposes of relaxation and “chilling out”, as well as helping to release tension temporarily.  Red Cambodian is one of the lesser talked about strains in the red-vein family, so this guide is intended to shed some light on this less common variety. We’ll explore the background of it, the main potential benefits, effects common to the variety and more to know when considering this rare strain.

Red Cambodian: Origins, Alkaloids & Availability

As you can probably guess from its name, Red Cambodian Kratom hails from Cambodia. If you’ve been to this country, you’d know it’s humid and hot, which is perfect for kratom thriving. More importantly, Cambodia features rich and fertile soils, which is important for shaping this strain’s signature alkaloid profile and potential effects.

Here’s another thing to know about Red Cambodian. As of today, kratom cultivation continuously faces legal issues and logistical hurdles in Cambodia because it’s still a gray area in the country. Therefore, most vendors and manufacturers acquire Cambodian varieties grown and cultivated in Indonesia. However, keep in mind that Red Cambodian is also a relatively rare find in the industry and not a ton of vendors (both online and offline), stock it.

image of what is red cambodian kratom

The Cambodian kratom strain has three vein-color types, which denominate the vein and stem colors of the leaves and time of harvest. Among all three vein colors, red-veined Cambodian leaves take the longest to mature when compared to the green-veined and white-veined Cambodian counterparts. Due to the time of harvest and color of Cambodian kratom strain leaves, alkaloid profiles, and potential effects differ between the three color varieties.

Red Cambodian kratom is comprised of over 3 dozen alkaloids, with mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine as the most significant ones in Cambodian kratom effects. Other alkaloids and their respective proportions in this rare red kratom variety such as mitraciliatine, speciogynine and paynantheine, may also contribute to the potential effects seen with it.

Main Potential Effects: Benefits of Red Cambodian

Strong potential relaxation and sedating properties are the most popular effects of Red Cambodian. Users often report this strain helpful in helping them “chill out” and unwind after a long, tiring day. As a beginner, you may find these sedating effects more profound and potent in this variety than seen in some other more energetic reds like Red Maeng Da. Some may even find that it might be too sedating, especially in higher dosages.

Many fans of the strain say Red Cambodian has the ability to subtly improve mood, which may lead to relaxation and feelings of well-being. This might make one feel more contented leading to the ability to unwind and calm. It is also said to be a better evening and nighttime strain for these reasons.

But, of course, personal reactions vary widely. Red Cambodian itself, and the dosage that works for you might be too much or too little for another individual, or just may not be the right “fit” for some at any range. You should also factor in inconsistencies in quality since this rare strain often encounters sourcing difficulties. To get the best Red Cambodian Kratom, always choose the right, trusted vendor for an authentic and quality product.

image of potential side effects

Getting to Know Potential Side Effects

Let’s talk about the potential risks of Red Cambodian Kratom. Yes, this strain also comes with a variety of potential side effects to be aware of.


  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Lethargy / Drowsiness
  • Wobbles (also known as, “kratom wobbles”)
  • Dry mouth
  • Appetite changes
  • Wobbles
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Sweating
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Irritability
  • Dependence/Tolerance

There may be other rare adverse effects; and even though these are much more common when mixing Red Camdonian with certain medications and drugs, the rare possibility they could strike in any dosage should not be ruled out. This could be the reason the Food and Drug Administration has warned people not to use kratom, including this strain.

Speaking with your doctor to go over the risks of kratom, the potential strain, and the dosage is necessary. The doctor can inform you of the risks and also various other high-risk factors such as certain medical conditions and medications.

Additionally, limiting your kratom use to prevent developing dependence and unpleasant effects upon stopping is important to avoid these. Using Red Cambodian Kratom and other kratom products multiple days in a row over long periods (over 1 week), and especially in high dosages can increase the risks of developing a habit.

How Much Should You Take?

By now, you should know that Red Cambodian Kratom is a very sedating strain. This means that even a small dose of around 1 to 3 grams can already lead to some potential deep relaxation and calming effects, especially in those who are sensitive. A more moderate to high dose of this red variety is 3 to 5 grams may provide a subtle mood lift, and some sedation.

Exceeding over 5 grams is definitely not advisable. Keep in mind that the higher the dose, the higher the risk of developing adverse effects and also building a tolerance. Ultimately, the best words of advice are to start small, always stay in the lowest dosage range to get potential benefits, and take breaks without kratom to avoid the development of tolerance.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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