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Exploring Red Thai and Red Borneo: How Do Their Effects Compare?

August 23rd, 2024ComparisonsNo Comments »

Are you trying to choose between Red Thai and Red Borneo? This post will compare the two red strains and hopefully help you to make a more well-informed decision by outlining the main features and benefits of both strains.

What is Red-Veined Kratom?

Before we discuss the differences between Red Thai and Red Borneo, let’s first define red vein Kratom. The better you understand the basics, the easier it will be to make a decision.

Kratom’s color comes from the veins of the leaf. White-veined Kratom comes from young, less mature leaves. Green kratom is made from moderately mature leaves, while Red kratom is made from kratom leaves with the longest maturity.

The more mature red leaves have a higher concentration of 7-hydroxymitragynine, which is converted from mitragynine through oxidation. This means red-veined Kratom varieties have the most relaxing and sedating effects compared to green and white kratom.

image of origins of red thai and red borneo


Red Thai and Red Borneo: What Are Their Origins?

Red ThaiThailand
Red BorneoBorneo Island (Indonesian Side)

Kratom strains are often named after their place of origin or first discovery. So, if you think that Red Thai came from Thailand, then you’d be correct. It was not until the government of Thailand banned it in 1943. During the ban, it was sourced from different parts of Indonesia. In 2021, Thailand decriminalized the sale and possession of Kratom. Since then, authentic Red Thai is now making a comeback.

Red Borneo is harvested from Kratom trees growing on the Indonesian Side of Borneo Island. However, indigenous farmers in other parts of Indonesia, Thailand, and Laos are also growing this strain.

What is Red Thai?

Despite its notoriety in its place of origin, Red Thai remains a popular strain on the market (although less popular than Red Borneo). It’s widely identified for its relaxation effects and high alkaloid content.

What is Red Borneo?

When you say Red Borneo, many users immediately think of relaxation and balance. That’s because of its notable blend of alkaloids, such as 7-hydroxymitragynine, mitragynine, 9-hydrocorynanthidine, corynoxine A, speciogynine, and corynoxine B.

image of comparison of red thai and red borneo kratom

Comparing the Benefits of Red Thai and Borneo

Red ThaiRed Borneo
Mental ClarityMood Enhancement
Mental RelaxationRelaxation
CreativityPhysical Relaxation
Mood enhancement

When you compare Red Thai and Red Borneo, you will see that they have similar effects. This is because, being in the red vein classification, they share a similar alkaloid profile and effects therein.

In comparison, Red Thai generally has more of a mental effect than a physical one. The relaxation happens inside the head, while Red Borneo does have similar soothing characteristics but offers more body relaxation.

Also, one thing to note about these strains is that they are botanicals, which means they are the way Mother Earth made them. As such, the compounds can vary from batch to batch. And because they are natural, each person may react to them differently. For example, one might achieve enhancements in mental clarity with Red Borneo but not with Red Thai. Or the relaxation effect of Red Borneo could be different or even non-existent for another person (although uncommon).

Red Thai Vs. Red Borneo: Which One is Better for Me?

Red Thai may be ideal for people who are looking for a mental relaxation effect. If you need your brain to shut up and just hush down with its excessive commenting, this strain could be a great choice. It also might be great for people who wish to have a higher mental state or be more creative. The strain isn’t just ideal for higher mental states but can also have deep levels of relaxation that can turn to sedation at the higher end of the spectrum.

Red Borneo also leans more toward relaxation, both in the mental and physical sense. The strain can have a calming effect on the body that may ease tension, but it also has a similar calming effect on the mind. Overall, it is a very balanced strain best used in the evenings or at night and one that can also teeter into sedation terriroty. In comparison to Red Thai, Borneo is more popular and sought after in the red-veined group due to these benefits.

image of recommended dosage of red thai and red borneo

What’s the Recommended Dosage?

Red Thai2g-3g
Red Borneo1g-3g

Dosages between Red Thai and Red Borneo will depend on how your body reacts to the strain and your personal chemistry.

For Red Thai, the dosage range is 2g-3g. Red Borneo, though, is 1.5g-3g.

Whenever you’re deciding how to dose yourself, always err on the side of caution. Go for the lowest dosage possible, then gradually increase it as you go. And always remember to stay below the maximum recommended dosage.

Wrapping it All Up

With their closely twinning effects, the choice can be a bit hard, isn’t it? So, let’s do a quick recap.

Red Thai, despite it being less well known, is quickly gaining traction. Overall, its relaxing effects are more mental than physical. It’s a good pick if you want to have a higher mental state with more potential for clearer thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. If, at the end of the day, all you want is a quiet mind, then you might certainly benefit from this strain.

If your goal is deeper physical relaxation, then go for the Red Borneo. Sometimes, people just want to unwind mentally and physically after a long day. If that is you, then this strain might be a better choice.

When it comes to choosing kratom strains, the best thing to think of is: you do you. Know what you want for your wellness goals while thinking about your long-term needs. Once you know exactly what it is you’re looking for, the choice of which strain to choose should be easy.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

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