Khat and Kratom, two natural botanicals, are commonly used because of their psychoactive properties. Although both are sourced from different plants, they contain alkaloids, affecting the central nervous system, particularly the brain.
Here’s the thing: khat and kratom, despite having the same effects, have differences, including their mechanisms of action, the composition of their active compounds, potential for abuse, legal status, and potential side effects. Understanding the botanicals’ unique differences can help you make more informed decisions on the proper recreational and medicinal applications.
Let’s dive deeper into khat and kratom in this article as we talk about each botanical’s benefits, risks, and cultural contexts.
Khat comes from the Catha edulis shrub, referring to the plant’s leaves and young shoots. The plant is native to the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. For centuries, the locals have gotten used to chewing khat leaves because of their stimulating effects from cathine and cathinone, two active ingredients. These are natural amphetamine-like stimulants that lead to better sociability, increased energy, and enhanced alertness.
Did you know chewing khat has been a tradition in most countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, and parts of Saudi Arabia? In fact, khat-chewing is very common in Yemen, which also involves storing the botanical juices in the cheeks for a few hours.
However, what most individuals are unaware of is that long-term and frequent khat-chewing has corresponding adverse health effects, including tooth decay, insomnia, dependence, gastrointestinal issues, and withdrawal symptoms once they stop using.
On the contrary, kratom is from Mitragyna speciosa, a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, with leaves containing mind-altering effects. This botanical is prevalent in Southeast Asia and has been used as a stimulant to increase productivity and provide relief from long working hours. The leaves are commonly crushed into powder and made into capsules, taken in extracted forms, or brewed into tea.
Kratom has been used in Southeast Asia for centuries as both a stimulant to increase work output and also for relief during long working hours. The leaves are usually crushed into powder, made into capsules, brewed into tea, or taken in extracted forms.
Two primary bioactive alkaloids contribute to kratom’s effects: mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. When taken in low doses, the botanical’s stimulating effects lead to improved focus and energy. At the same time, higher doses can produce calming and relaxing effects. However, it’s still important to know that different effects can occur with varying colors and strains.
In recent years, kratom has increased its popularity in Western Culture, with more supporters using it recreationally and for self-treatment.
Khat Benefits:
Kratom Benefits:
Both khat and kratom lead to adverse health effects over time with regular and heavy use.
Daily khat-chewing is associated with increased risks of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular issues. Health problems linked with khat usage include heart rate fluctuations, elevated blood pressure, constipation, and gastric ulcers.
Moreover, with long-term exposure, active compounds in the khat can impair the central nervous system, leading to conditions like lack of concentration, migraine, inability to sleep, and cognitive dysfunction. Concerns about causing damage to the liver and reproductive system have also been associated with years of khat-chewing.
Like khat, daily usage of kratom is also not advisable because of its adverse side effects. Individuals can experience nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite and libido, and headaches. High kratom doses can also lead to more severe side effects in certain individuals.
Using khat is illegal in various countries. The psychoactive cathinone alkaloids are part of the Schedule I and IV substances in the United States, which means cathinone has a higher abuse potential without accepted medical application. On the contrary, cathine presents lower harm potential.
Kratom currently has no international scheduling by the UN, but regulatory approaches are different across several countries. For instance, kratom is legal on a federal level in the US. However, individual legislation is applied in six US states, seven counties, and over 60 cities. Eleven states impose age restrictions and manufacturer requirements on kratom consumption.
Because of kratom’s known beneficial uses, various advocacy and industry groups are protesting against further restrictions. Currently, the Kratom Consumer Protection Act, a US federal bill, is in the works in the legislative system.
The legal status of these botanicals is constantly evolving based on new evidence and research. However, it’s also essential to consider circumstances and proof of minimal harm during policy debates. Regulatory agencies must learn to balance access to legitimate use to prevent abuse.
Khat and kratom are two famous botanicals with distinct profiles in benefits, effects, and legality.
Khat, traditionally consumed in certain cultures for its stimulant properties, has faced legal restrictions in various countries due to potential health risks. On the contrary, Kratom, known for its mood-enhancing effects, has generated debate regarding its safety and regulatory status.
While both substances share a history of traditional use, their global reception and legal frameworks differ significantly. As discussions surrounding these substances continue, policymakers must balance cultural practices, individual rights, and public health considerations to formulate compelling regulations.
Ultimately, regulations and potential health issues on using khat or kratom should be prioritized to avoid detrimental effects that can negatively affect an individual’s body, mind, and overall well-being.
CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the site.